Of-9 Sunset


To demonstrate that the colour of the sun is determined by the amount of scattering.


  • Slide Projector
  • Large Fish Tank
  • White Screen
  • 160gm of Thiosulphate
  • 8 Litres of Water
  • 1ml HCL in 50ml Water (Measuring Cylinder)


Sunset Setup.


The apparatus is set-up as shown as above. A 160gm of Sodium Thiosulphate (Hypo) is dissolved in 8 litres of water and placed into the fish tank. A measuring cylinder with 1ml HCl in 50ml water, is mixed in with the solution in the fish tank. This causes sulphur particles to be formed in the solution. Scattered light from the solution appears to be a bluish colour, while light reaching the screen ranges from yellow to red, depending on the amount of scattering. Thus, demonstrating the more scattering the redder the sun will be. This is due to Rayleigh scattering.


Safety Notes

Sunset SOP-44