Og-5 The Barbers Pole (optical Activity)


To demonstrate that the rotation of the plane of polarisation in a sugar solution ((optical activity) is wavelength dependent.


  • Cylindical beaker
  • Polaroid sheets
  • Beaker supprt
  • Polaroid rotor
  • White light souce

Barber Pole Barbers Pole Diagram

Barbers Pole and Diagram


A parallel beam of light is reflected into a large beaker containing a sugar solution of 3 kg of sugar in 4 kg of water. The incoming light is first polarised, the polaroid sheet mounted on the spindle of the motor M. As the light traverses the solution, the plane of polarisation is rotated by the action of the sugar molecules. This rotation is wavelength dependent and hence, a spiral of rainbow colours results. As the polariser rotates the spiral rotates.

Using another polariser above the beaker to receive the transmitted light results in a single broadbeam of light whose colour runs right through the spectrum as the polariser is rotated. This beam of light is projected onto the ceiling of the lecture room giving rise to a bright series of transmitted colours.


To be posted.

Safety Notes

The Barber's Pole (Optical Activity) SOP-45