Hf-1 Critical Point of Ether


To demonstrate the disappearance of the liquid-vapor boundary (the meniscus) at the critical point for ether.


  • Critical point apparatus
  • D.C PowerPak
  • Portalab projector

Critical Pt 1 Critical Pt 2 Critical Pt 3 Critical Pt 4 Critical Pt 5 Critcal Pt 6 Critical Pt 7 Critcal Pt 8 Critical Pt 9

Critical Point of Ether Images and Setup.


The critical point apparatus consists of a glass tube containing a small amount of ether. The tube is surrounded by a heating element that is connected to a 12 Volt power supply. The apparatus is placed on the Portalab projector and the meniscus made clearly visible by focussing.


Safety Notes

Critical Point of Ether SOP-12