Eg-1 Magnetic Field of a Large Thermoelectric Current


To demonstrate a unique application of thermoelectric currents.


  • Thermoelectric magnet
  • Bunsen burner
  • Beaker of water

Thermoelectric Magnet

Thermoelectric Magnet Setup.


A thermocouple that will produce currents of approximately 100 Amperes in a very low resistance circuit ( ~ 0.0001 ohms) if one end is cooled and the other heated over a bunsen burner.

This current can be demonstrated by its magnetic effects; a soft iron block with polished contact surfaces surrounding the thermocouple becomes an electromagnet that will easily carry a load of 5 kg weight although it is magnetised by only a single current carrying loop.

The thermocouple consists of Copper-Constantan.


Safety Notes

Magnetic Field of a Thermoelectric Current SOP-29